Matt Knigge

Uncharted Tiny Homes Prices and Cost

Matt Knigge
Uncharted Tiny Homes Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a tiny house on wheels from Uncharted Tiny Homes range from $185 - $395+ per square foot. This puts a completed tiny house from Uncharted Tiny Homes in the range of $75,000 - $120,000, before upgrades. For buyers interested in different upgrade options and how that will affect pricing, Uncharted Tiny Homes list many past projects with photos and cost estimates on their site. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished house from Uncharted Tiny Homes.

Model Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet All-in Cost Estimate (not including land)
Manor 3 1 650 $120,000
Chateau 2 1 420 $110,000
Estate 3-4 1 450 $95,000
Bunkhouse 2 1 310 $90,000
Mansion Elite 2 1 350 $90,000
Flat 1 1 215 $85,000
Mansion 2 1 270 $87,500
Mansion JR. 1 1 230 $80,000
Limited 1 1 200 $75,000
Adventure Series - Outpost RV 0 1 128 $44,500
Office 1/2 175 $55,000