Matt Knigge

Studio Shed Prices and Cost

Matt Knigge
Studio Shed Prices and Cost

Our cost and price estimates for a home or ADU from Studio Shed range from $400 - $650+ per square foot. These estimates are all inclusive, meaning that the cost of the home components, delivery, interior finishes, labor and site work are included. One component that is not included in our estimates is the cost of land. Because Studio Shed has a number of home sizes in their Summit Series, we selected four representative home sizes - all of which include a kitchen and bathroom. We also included their two floorplans in the Aspect Series.
It is worth noting that because buyers can customize multiple aspects of their Studio Shed home, there can be variation in the final cost of your project from our estimates. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished prefab home or ADU from Studio Shed

Model Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet Turn-Key Cost Estimate (Not Including Land)
Summit XS 0 1 308 $203,011
Summit S 0 1 416 $226,328
Summit M 1 1 608 $291,771
Summit L 1 1 840 $341,231
Summit XL 2 1 1000 $410,136
Aspect M 1 1 576 $322,908
Aspect L 2 2 864 $425,123