Prefab Review

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Next Modular Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a turn-key, pre-designed home from Next Modular ranges from $75 - $150 per sqft. These estimates are all inclusive, meaning that the cost of the home components, interior finishes, labor and site work are included. Two costs that are not accounted for in our estimate are land and any upgrades that buyers may wish to add to their home such as garages, basements, well water, and higher-end interior finishes. Because Next Modular can also build custom home designs it is worth noting that custom projects often cost slightly more (about 5% higher) than their pre-designed floor plans. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished prefab home from Next Modular.

Model Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet All-in Cost Estimate (not including land)
Luxe II Ranch 3 2 2,340 $216,697
Luxe Ranch 3 2 2,240 $207,189
Madison Two Story 5 3.5 2,632 $219,445
Maple Ranch 4 2 1,760 $155,058
Michigan Avenue Two Story 3 2.5 2,240 $200,542
Montgomery Ranch 3 2 1,680 $172,660
Mountain Vue Cape Cod 2 2 1,344 $172,019
Nantucket Cape Cod 2 2 1,344 $171,353
National Ranch 3 2 1,400 $152,005
Newport Cape Cod 1 2 1,456 $173,757
Oak Ranch 3 2 1,387 $137,366
Otter Ranch 3 2 1,493 $145,703
Oxford Ranch 3 2 1,680 $166,605
Patriot Ranch 3 1 1,064 $129,800
Pembrooke Cape Cod 2 1 1,064 $148,636
Pembrooke Special Cape Cod 1 1 1,064 $148,065
Pine Ranch 3 2 1,173 $131,026
Providence 44 Cape Cod 1 2 1,232 $160,117
Providence 52 Cape Cod 2 2 1,456 $180,040
Remington Ranch 3 2 1,169 $155,123
Republic Ranch 3 2 1,400 $151,291
Retreat Cape Cod 1 1 896 $131,050
Roosevelt I Two Story 4 2.5 2,576 $214,366
Royal Cottage Cape Cod 3 2 1,414 $179,000
Seaside Vue Ranch 3 2 1,800 $174,309
Sheffield Ranch 3 2 1,280 $133,372
Sherwood Ranch 2 1 1,320 $150,257
Somerset Ranch 3 2 1,456 $153,778
Southwind Ranch 3 2 1,512 $157,978
Stamford 56 Cape Cod 2 2 1,568 $182,014
Suite Ranch 1 1 896 $117,940
Summit Ranch 3 2 2,212 $202,883
Sunnybrook Ranch 3 2 1,456 $153,778
Vail Cape Cod 3 2.5 1,795 $189,463
Warwick Cape Cod 1 2 1,568 $181,524
Washington Two Story 3 2.5 1,680 $160,670
Willowbrook Ranch 3 2 1,568 $159,894
Woodbridge Ranch 3 2 1,736 $170,471
Wyoming Ranch 3 2 1,920 $181,241
York Ranch 3 2 1,884 $184,673
Crowne 171 Ranch 3 2 1,232 $142,385
Crowne 176 Ranch 3 2 1,792 $176,047
Crowne 190 Ranch 3 2 1,920 $181,681
Crowne 197 Ranch 3 2 1,792 $176,102
Crowne 501 Ranch 2 2 1,232 $142,408
Crowne 502 Ranch 3 2 1,456 $155,374
Crowne 701 Ranch 3 2 1,120 $138,170
Crowne 702 Ranch 3 2 1,232 $142,318
Crowne 703 Ranch 3 2 1,456 $155,479
Crowne 704 Ranch 3 2 1,456 $155,369
Crowne 705 Ranch 3 2 1,680 $166,862
Crowne 706 Ranch 3 2 1,792 $176,150
Crowne 710 Ranch 3 2 1,792 $176,097
Crowne 801 Ranch 3 2 1,200 $140,144
Crowne 802 Ranch 3 2 1,320 $148,402
Crowne 803 Ranch 3 2 1,560 $162,083
Crowne 804 Ranch 3 2 1,560 $161,906
Crowne 805 Ranch 3 2 1,800 $174,239
Crowne 806 Ranch 3 2 1,920 $181,770
Crowne 943 Ranch 2 2 1,120 $138,172
Danbury Ranch 3 2.5 1,652 $169,664
Delaware Ranch 3 2 1,400 $152,339
Federal Ranch 3 2 1,200 $140,590
Fleming Ranch 3 2 2,024 $163,557
Georgia Ranch 3 2 1,800 $175,853
Glendale Ranch 3 2 1,456 $154,740
Gloucester Cape Cod 1 2 1,568 $185,464
Greenwich Cape Cod 2 2 1,652 $196,491
Hamilton Two Story 3 2.5 1,624 $157,633
Hargrove Ranch 2 2 1,456 $156,543
Hartford Cape Cod 2 1.5 1,456 $177,231
Hawthorn Ranch 3 2.5 2,380 $214,627
Hickory Ranch 4 2 2,147 $162,877
Hocking Ranch 3 2 1,813 $157,316
Homestead Ranch 3 2 1,680 $168,570
Illinois Ranch 3 2 1,800 $170,203
Independence Ranch 3 1 1,104 $133,397
Indiana Ranch 3 2 1,620 $157,948
Jefferson III Two Story 4 2.5 2,800 $218,068
Jefferson Ranch 4 2 1,813 $155,625
Jefferson Two Story 4 2.5 2,240 $195,801
Jefferson Two Story 4 2.5 2,240 $193,541
Kentucky Ranch 3 2 1,740 $173,806
Lake View Ranch 3 2 1,173 $130,631
Lakeside Cape Cod 2 2 1,400 $176,521
Lakeview Cape Cod 1 1.5 1,344 $169,867
Lancaster Ranch 3 2.5 2,044 $199,542
Liberty Ranch 2 2 1,104 $135,434
American Dream Two Story 5 3 2,240 $204,118
Barton Ranch 3 2 1,280 $132,818
Bridgeport Ranch 3 2 1,652 $171,169
Bridgewood Ranch 3 2 1,680 $167,724
Cardinal Ranch 3 2 1,890 $182,099
Cedar Ranch 3 2 1,493 $144,018
Craftsman Cape Cod 3 2.5 2,720 $255,707
Crowne 170 Ranch 3 2 1,680 $168,916
Crowne 188 3 2 1,920 $181,812
Crowne 709 Ranch 3 2 1,568 $162,593
Dakota II Ranch 3 2 1,456 $164,626
Dakota Ranch 3 2 1,387 $141,336
Evergreen Ranch 3 2 1,680 $168,120
Huron Ranch 4 3 2,330 $175,661
Lexington Ranch 3 2 1,400 $153,290
Locust Ranch 3 2 1,493 $145,778
New Day Ranch 3 2 1,067 $126,291
Walnut Ranch 3 2 1,600 $150,310
Westwood Ranch 3 2 1,652 $178,274
Wildwood Ranch 3 2 1,620 $162,619
Willow Ranch 3 2 1,840 $154,092
Winchester Ranch 3 2 1,736 $179,353
Adams Two Story 3 2.5 1,456 $148,031
America Ranch 3 2 1,400 $152,005
Aspen Forest Ranch 4 3 2,331 $176,925
Bayshore Cape Cod 2 1 960 $143,183
Birch Ranch 3 2 1,595 $144,226
Brookside Ranch 3 2 1,620 $166,513
Claremont Ranch 4 2.5 2,296 $215,621
Constitution Ranch 3 2 1,152 $138,320
Cottonwood Ranch 4 2 1,707 $152,930
Countryside Ranch 3 2 1,680 $168,724
Crestridge Ranch 3 2 1,568 $161,158
Crowne 019 Ranch 2 2 1,120 $138,264
Crowne 105 Ranch 3 2 1,920 $181,866
Crowne 108 Ranch 3 2 1,232 $142,503
Crowne 110 Ranch 3 2 1,232 $142,503
Crowne 112 Ranch 3 2 1,456 $155,472
Crowne 113 Ranch 4 2 1,680 $166,755
Crowne 120 Ranch 3 2 1,800 $174,309
Crowne 134 Ranch 3 2 1,800 $174,309
Crowne 135 Ranch 3 2 1,232 $142,478
Crowne 146 Ranch 3 2 1,920 $181,837
Crowne 154 Ranch 3 2 1,568 $162,924
Crowne 156 Ranch 3 2 1,232 $142,419
Crowne 166 Ranch 3 2 1,456 $155,465
Crowne 168 Ranch 2 1 1,008 $130,056
Crowne 169 Ranch 3 2 1,680 $166,780
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