Matt Knigge

Escape Traveler Prices and Cost

Matt Knigge
Escape Traveler Prices and Cost

Our cost estimates for a prefab tiny home from Escape Traveler range from about $206 - $324+ per square foot. These estimates are based on the stated price of a pre-designed Escape Traveler tiny home on wheels, which includes the full cost of production and standard features like appliances and cabinetry. However, the cost of delivery as well as upgrades like tiling or green appliances are not included. Building a custom home will be more expensive. The custom design process begins with a flat $10,000 fee, which includes two revisions to the initial plan. If the buyer makes more than 2 revisions, each additional revision is $1,000. Buyers who pay in-full get a discount. This upfront discount is about $2,000 on average, but does not apply to already discounted models. Continue reading below for our model-specific cost estimates from Escape Traveler.

Model Bed Bath Square Footage All-in Cost Estimate
Traveler 1 (plus 2 lofts) 1 269 $78,487+
Traveler XS 1 (plus 2 lofts) 1 344 $88,940+
Traveler XL 1 (plus 2 lofts) 1 344 $88,940+
Vista 1 1 175 $56,778+
Vista Boho 1 1 187 $45,989+
Vista Boho XL 1 1 213 $53,991+
ONE 1 loft 1 276 $59,670+
ONE XL 2 lofts 1 388 $79,985
ONE XL Wide 2 lofts 1 388 $93,261