Matt Knigge

Bob's Containers Prices and Cost

Matt Knigge
Bob's Containers Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a prefab home from Bob's Containers range from $238 - $640 per square foot. These estimates are all-inclusive, meaning that the cost of the home modules components, labor and site work are included. Because Bob’s Containers offers several home models that are market as “luxury container homes”, they skew the cost range towards the higher end. Our median cost estimate for a container home is $273 per square foot. Two costs that are not accounted for in our estimate are land and any upgrades that buyers may wish to add to their home. Additionally, buyers looking to build a custom home with Bob's Containers may face final costs higher than our estimates. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished house from Bob's Containers.

Model Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet Model Base Price All-in Cost Estimate (not including land)
Abilene Studio 1 160 $37,864 $53,864
Beaumont Studio 1 160 $39,689 $55,689
Cleveland Studio 1 160 $35,993 $51,993
Dripping Springs Studio 1 160 $47,434 $63,434
Kerrville Studio 1 160 $45,652 $61,652
Porter 1 1 320 $149,250 $200,000
Josha 1 1 320 $79,590 $103,590
Alpine 1 1 320 $53,850 $77,850
Magnolia 1 1 320 $115,250 $139,250
Bluegrass 1 1 320 $56,975 $80,975
Birch 1 1 320 $56,875 $80,875
Cedar 1 1 320 $56,573 $80,573
Elgin 2 1 320 $58,991 $82,991
Evergreen 2 1 320 $58,991 $82,991
Olive (Duplex - Total Dimensions) 2 2 640 $142,400 $174,400
Homestead 3 2 960 $180,250 $228,250
Lubbock 1 1 320 $71,500 $95,500
Marble Falls 3 2 480 $98,325 $122,325
Taylor 2 1.5 480 $93,885 $117,885