Matt Knigge

Teak Bali Prices and Cost

Matt Knigge
Teak Bali Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a prefab home from Teak Bali range from $175 - $360+ per square foot. These estimates are all inclusive, meaning that the cost of the home module, labor and site work are included. This cost estimate is based on the cost of a prefab ADU or prefab home from Teak Bali, which based on past projects in Hawaii, can cost between $175 - $350+ per square foot, though projects on the mainland U.S. may be more expensive due to increased shipping costs and higher labor costs. In addition to the cost of their post and beam home kits, our cost estimates also include permitting, shipping, taxes, reassembly, and all on-site costs. The cost of land and any home upgrades are not included in this estimate. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished house from Teak Bali.

Model Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet All-in Cost Estimate
(Not Including Land)
Kona Karma 1 1 194 $67,900 - $69,840+
Mauli Med 1 1 409 $139,077 - $143,167+
Babaji 1 1 420 $142,603 - $146,803+
Gandhi 1 1 786 $253,546 - $261,406+
Hana Hale 1 1 1,238 $373,432 - $385,812+
Tanglewood 2 1 1,819 $499,731 - $517,921+
China Cat 1-2 1 2,228 $569,886 - $592,166+
Yogashaia 2 1 2,442 $600,417 - $624,837+
Hamakua Haven 3 1 2,626 $623,275 - $649,535+
Rain Forest Retreat 2 1 2,788 $640,805 - $668,685+
Bail Budha 3 1 3,972 $695,100 - $734,820+