Matt Knigge

Indy Mod Homes Prices and Cost

Matt Knigge
Indy Mod Homes Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a prefab home from Indy Mod Homes range from $180 - $235+ per square foot. These estimates are all inclusive, meaning that the cost of the modules, labor and site work are included. Two costs that are not accounted for in our estimate are land and any upgrades that buyers may wish to add to their home. Our cost estimates are based on past projects from Indy Mod in the greater Indianapolis area. Because Indy Mod works with various third party designers and manufacturers, it is possible that your home build may fall outside of this cost range. Additionally, buyers looking for a more high-end design, or a design outside of the greater Indianapolis area may face higher project costs. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished home from Indy Mod Homes.

Model Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet All-in Cost Estimate (not including land)
IndyMod 1 2 2 1,731 $366,675
IndyMod 2 3 3.5 1,720 $365,160
IndyMod 3 4 3.5 1,730 $366,538
IndyMod 4 4 3.5 2,470 $444,600
IndyMod 5 2 2 1193 $280,355
IndyMod 6 3 2.5 1,552 $340,723
IndyMod 7 3 2.5 1,656 $356,137